
Showing posts from April, 2023

Smart thinking

To solve problems through critical thinking there should be sufficient evidence to assess claims, which are either true or false. The best practice is to accept claims which are supported by reasons. Arguments are used to prove the credibility of a claim. An argument refers to a group of statements which includes premises that support the conclusion. It is crucial to determine the arguments among a group of non-argumentative statements. Some points helpful for determining arguments are given below. ·          Differentiating arguments from explanations Arguments provide reasons which are backed with evidence to determine whether a claim is true or false while an explanation justifies the truth. ·          Indicator words to identify premises and conclusions in arguments. Premise indicators – some, because, due to the fact that, given that, seeing that, being that, as, since, assuming that, for Conclusion indicators – therefore, thus, which implies that, consequently, so, hence,

Know you and the other!

  Have you ever wondered why it is easier to get along with some people than others? This happens because each person's references and biases have an impact on how they perceive and react to what you say. So, to establish positive relationships with others, it is important to understand how people behave. “Surrounded by Idiots”, a book written by Thomas Erikson categorizes human behavior into four types. Namely, dominant behavior(red), inspiring behavior(yellow), stable behavior(green)and analytical behavior(blue). People with dominant(red) behavior tend to take command to initiate things. However, they are hard to deal with as they tend to overcontrol and frequently tread on others. Yellows(inspiring) are creative and often capable of amusing others. They make a friendly atmosphere regardless of whom they associate. However, when given unlimited freedom, they tend to prevent others from joining the conversation. Greens(stable) are calm and easy-going. However, they tend to be

Importance of critical thinking

Critical thinking is the self-directed process of evaluating a subject objectively to make rational decisions.  People may solve current challenges rationally using critical thinking.  Especially as university undergraduates aiming to enter the corporate world  critical thinking is crucial for our soft skill development. According to Bloom’s Taxonomy, critical thinking is a higher order skill which falls under analyzing and evaluating  . Characteristics of critical thinking: 1. Active listening which requires listening and comprehending, asking deep questions while avoiding interruptions, taking non-verbal hints, patience, concentration, and suppressing judgement. 2. Curiosity which leads to asking meaningful questions. 3. Being disciplined enough not to jump to conclusions and actions. 4. Being humble and receptive towards other opinions. To evaluate the critical thinking ability of the students we held an in-class discussion session on measurements the Sri Lankan cricket bo